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Chakra Two Self Test - Water, Emotions, and Sexuality

Updated: Mar 27, 2023

Healthy creative expression, balanced hormones, ability to experience pleasure, generous and giving...

The Sacral Chakra dominates the flow of creative and sexual energies. One would feel open and receptive to others and towards yourself.

Give each question deep reflection before answering.

How would you rate your ability to feel and express emotions?

  • Poor

  • Fair

  • Good

  • Excellent

How would you rate your sex life?

  • Poor

  • Fair

  • Good

  • Excellent

How much time do you create for simple pleasure in your life?

  • Never

  • Seldom

  • Often

  • Always

How would you rate your physical flexibility?

  • Poor

  • Fair

  • Good

  • Excellent

How would you rate your emotional flexibility?

  • Poor

  • Fair

  • Good

  • Excellent

Are you able to nurture and be nurtured by others in balance?

  • Never

  • Seldom

  • Often

  • Always

Do you struggle with guilt about your feelings or sexuality?

  • Never (4pts)

  • Seldom (3pts)

  • Often (2pts)

  • Always (1pt)

Score one point when you answer NEVER or POOR

Score two points when you answer SELDOM or FAIR

Score three points when you answer OFTEN or GOOD

Score four points when you answer ALWAYS or EXCELLENT

*The last question is the except to the rule. Check your answer and add the allotted points.

Count your points based on your response.

The are 7 questions with a max total of 28.


Scores of 22-28 indicates a very strong chakra; scores of 6-12 indicate a weak chakra. Scores between 13-21 are in the average range, but could use improvement. However, it is a distribution that is important.

Compare your scores between different parts. Aside from the strongest and weakest chakras, is there a distribution pattern, such as higher scores in the lower chakras, or higher scores in the upper and middle chakras? Does this pattern coincide with your own views about yourself?

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