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Write Your Mind

Practice Well

Making your yoga and meditation a lasting practice.

If Yoga and Meditation are Central

practices in your life, then you know their potential to help you still your mind and get present. Writing holds the same promise. One you organize your thoughts, the more capable you are of accessing the lesson that's hidden within whatever you are facing.

Create a Cozy Writing Space

Set aside a corner of your desk that you keep clean for journaling, or a place a candle next to your comfiest chair to light when you're ready to start writing. No matter where you choose to write, do it in a space that feels special and inviting.

Choose your Medium Wisely

If a blank page intimidates you, buy a journal that has prompts. It should be filled with instructions and inquires that will inspire fresh perspectives and help you stay on track with your intentions.

Write Before, or After, you Meditate

Sometimes writing before you sit helps clear your headspace so meditation feels easier. Other times, writing comes more easily after meditating. Try both and see what works best for you.

Resist the urge to Edit Yourself

If you begin writing from a place of uncertainty, just keep putting down your thoughts as they surface does hesitate to consider what they mean. Instead trust that the mess will lead you to order.

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