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Understanding the Chakras : Third Eye

Name in Sanskrit: Ajna is the chakra of intuition, self-realization, inspiration and imagination. The energy of this chakra allows us to see and understand the inner and outer worlds. When open, the third eye chakra connects us to the present moment and can deepen spiritual connection as well as provide wisdom and insight.

Element: Light

The Third Eye Chakra is located in the middle of the forehead.

The associated color is Indigo.

Key Word:





Qualities and Functions

The Third Eye provides the ability for clear and concise thoughts and also deals with spiritual reflection and contemplation. Through this Chakra we create inner vision, intuition, insight, empathy and telepathy. The ability to see beyond the physical, to connect with the spiritual realm, and to connect with people on a deeper more spiritual level. This area helps us open our minds, use our imagination and develop clear perception in life. It also helps with making clear and decisive decisions.

Associated Glands/ Body Parts;

Pituitary. Controls the Endocrine system, brain, eyes, nose, ears, sinuses and parts of the nervous system.


Inability to plan or set goals, narrow-minded, denial, poor vision/memory, difficulty seeing the future, and lack of imagination.


Intuitive/physic, optimistic, perceptive, imaginative, watchful, aware, good memory, wise, able to plan and carry out plans, sleeps well, can recall dreams, and calm mind.


Obsessed with physic vision, paranoid, hallucinations, tendency to space out, difficulty concentrating and nightmares.





Neurological Disorders

Personality Disorders

Scalp/hair issues

Vision Problems

Mental Illness

Take is Self Guided Test to evaluate the well-being of your Root Chakra.

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