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Understanding the Chakras : Crown

Updated: Apr 19, 2023

Name in Sanskrit: Sahasrara, the most common Sanskrit name for the Crown chakra, means ‘thousand-petaled.’

Element: Thought

The Crown Chakra is located at top/center of the head and is associated with the color Violet/White.

Key Word:


"Spiritual Understanding"

Qualities and Functions

The Crown Chakra is where we know and experience higher realm, the divine creator. It is the place from which we started our journey is life, and the home we go back to at the end of our development. This is our journey to enlightenment, which takes place later in life as we have experienced the many trails and tribulations that is part of our life's journey. This is a journey towards perfect understanding and divine wisdom. The opening up to universal consciousness. This is often represented by the lotus symbol, of opening up and acceptance. This is the realization that we can still be living a physical existence in the happiness whilst fulfilling our life's purpose. It is a balance that comes with maturity and experience.

Associated Glands/ Body Parts:

Pineal, Cerebrum, Central Nervous System


Sense of separation/isolation, trouble trusting the universe, lack of belief in a higher power, learning difficulties, and excess in lower chakras.


Love and acceptance of the Divine, intelligent, thoughtful, aware, open-minded, ability to recognize and receive spiritual guidance, sense of oneness, ability to transcend physical laws, and comfortable on Earth.


Overly intelligent, spiritual addiction, overly concerned with humanity, confused, and dissociation from body.



Autoimmune Disorders



Brain tumors


Cognitive Delusions

Take is Self Guided Test to evaluate the well-being of your Root Chakra.

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