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Healing for the Root Chakra

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

Muladhara represents your intrinsic survival instinct, and feelings of security and power. It correlates with groundedness, trust in oneself, and the ability to respond to challenges with confidence and ease.

The dormant Kundalini Shakti (the ultimate life force energy) rests at the root chakra. When the root chakra is activated, dormant energy flows freely upward through the seven chakras; it leads to an expanded state of consciousness. At the root chakra, the expanded consciousness is felt as enthusiasm. Enthusiasm supports and enlivens our life and is the basis of our life. If there is no enthusiasm, our life will become meaningless, boring, stagnated. When the energy is moving downward from the crown chakra and hits the root chakra, we feel inertia. Likewise, each chakra is associated with some positive and some negative qualities, if the energy is moving upward, you feel positive quality or emotion and vice-a-versa.


"I am stable, safe, and secure."

"I have unshakeable trust. It sustains me."

"I am rooted in life, and in myself."


Garnet, Hematite, Black Obsidian, Red Jasper, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Black Turmaline, Tiger's Eye, Smokey Quartz , Black Onyx, and Moss Agate.

Essential Oils

Cedarwood, Myrrh, Vetiver, Sandalwood, Rosemary, Basil, Patchouli, and Geranium.


Any foods reflecting the color RED:

Beets, Strawberries, Raspberries, Red Peppers, Red Plums, Red Cabbage, Watermelon, and Cherries.


These potent root herbs cleanse and balance the root chakra, while imparting other important benefits for whole system wellness.


One of the signs of a root chakra out of balance is both difficulty sleeping and lack of energy. Ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogenic root that relieves stress, while supporting endurance and reproductive wellness. This balancing effect brings about better rest and sustained energy in all areas of life.


Another sign of an imbalanced muladhara is digestive and gastrointestinal issues and discomfort. Ginger has been regarded for millenia for its ability to warm and soothe digestion and relieve blockage in the gastrointestinal tract.


In addition, a blocked root chakra may manifest as physical pain in the lower back, legs, knees and feet. Turmeric, a highly popular herbal remedy worldwide, supports a healthy inflammatory response to help provide temporary pain relief and ease of mobility.

These can be taken in the form of tea or just added to other root-based foods like carrots, potatoes, parsnips, garlic, etc.

Journal Prompts

  • What practices can I incorporate into my daily routine that will increase mindfulness and help me to remain in the present moment?

  • Finish this statement: “I build my life upon the foundation of _____.” Describe all the positive feelings and beliefs that create the foundation for which you build your life upon.

  • When my energy feels depleted, what can I do to nourish and rejuvenate my body, mind, and spirit?

  • What can I do every morning to increase my energy and greet the day with enthusiasm and vitality?

  • Why is having an open and balanced root chakra important to me


  • Play this tune

Certain instruments have the power to tap into the chakras to activate or restore balance. For root chakra imbalance, it is the drum or the tabla. Try it.

This chakra is also associated with the music note C and the vowel sound U (ooh).

  • You are part of nature

Everyday life can take us away from remembering that. Walk barefoot in the grass to reconnect with the earth's energy.

  • Rise with the sun

Experiment. Try waking earlier and going to bed earlier—it can work wonders for morning sluggishness. Then roll out the yoga mat for your Sun Salutations or join a yoga class a few times a week.

  • Gardening

Dig those fingers down into the earth and reconnect with life at its most base level. From planting flowers and seeds to picking fruit and pulling up vegetables or even weeds, the smallest action in the garden can organically heal your root chakra.

  • Nourish yourself

Nurture your body with earthy, root-based veggies, rich protein, and red fruits. Eat foods that are easier to digest—consider reducing grains and meat from the diet and replace them with fresh veggies and fruits. And avoid the post-meal bloat! After you finish eating, you should not feel too full or heavy.

  • Breathe

Find a comfortable seat and feel where your body is supported by the seat or earth beneath you. Soften the muscles around the eyes, find ease in the seated position. Become aware of the natural rhythms of the breath. Begin to deepen the breath, as you inhale, take the awareness to the top of the head, and as you exhale, bring the awareness back to the root chakra. Do this for 3 minutes or so. Notice how you feel.

Yoga Poses

A powerful way to get moving and active if practiced in a mindful way that connects you to the earth and strengthens and energizes your lower limbs. Any wholistic yoga practice, incorporating asana, pranayama, and meditation will help your energy to flow upwards.

A few poses which can help you feel connected to your root are Goddess pose, Garland Pose, Mountain Pose, Lotus Pose, Head-Knee Forward Bend. More than any particular asana (yoga pose), how you synchronize your prana (breath) with each movement in asana is the key!

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