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Understanding Your Chakras: Sacral Chakra

Updated: Apr 19, 2023

Svadhisthana represents pleasure, passion and overall enjoyment in life. It’s a bright, creative energy center that, when flowing freely, puts you in touch with your artistic essence and the divine feminine.

The Svadhisthana chakra is associated with the element of water, says Snyder. The water element is all about flow, flexibility and freedom of expression when it comes to emotions and sensuality. This energy center, when balanced, offers direct access to flow, flexibility, and fun.

Name in Sanskrit: sva, meaning “one’s own," and adisthana, meaning “home” or “dwelling place." The root, svad, also translates as “to taste with pleasure” or “enjoy." This chakra is connected to emotions, desire and sexuality.

Element: Water

Within the water element, there is an immense power of flow. This energy has to be regulated to avoid any destructive consequences. When the Sacral Chakra is in balance, our emotions flow through us without any judgments.

The Sacral Chakra is located about two inches below the navel, in the front and back.

The associated color is Orange.

Key Words:

"I Create"

"I Feel"

Qualities and Functions

This dominates the flow of creative and sexual energies. One would feel open and receptive to others and towards yourself. The harmonious flow of sexual energy would help create healthy relationships with others. Your feelings towards life, yourself and others would be open and genuine. You would have a strong and balanced creativity in everything you do. this resonates with the ages 7-14 years.

Associated Glands/ Body Parts;

Reproductive Organs, Ovaries, Testes, Pelvic Floor, Kidneys, and Bladder


Unemotional, guarded, self-deprivation, sexual repression, poor social skills, denial of pleasure, lack of desire or passion.


Healthy creative expression, balanced hormones, ability to experience pleasure, generous and giving, nurturing to Self, and healthy boundaries.


Excessive sex drive, compulsive behaviors, tension, frustration, overly emotional, hypersensitive, and emotional deficiency.


Disorders of the reproductive system, fertility, urinary system, spleen, gallbladder, kidney.

Menstrual Difficulties

Sexual Dysfunction

Lack of Flexibilty

Deadened Senses

Take is Self Guided Test to evaluate the well-being of your Sacral Chakra.

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