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Pregnancy Herbs

Updated: Oct 27, 2022

Nourishing herbs for the entire Pregnancy.

Nourishing Herbs For Pregnancy

Nourishing herbs are those that are among the safest and rarely cause any side effects. Loaded with nutrients in the form of vitamins, minerals, proteins, simple starches, and sugars they act as foods in our bodies. Nourishing herbs may be used on a daily basis to provide your body with excellent, easily assimilable nutrition, especially during these childbearing years when we often need a little extra. Pregnancy and nursing are particularly demanding periods in our lives and are great times to establish a tradition of infusion drinking. The following herbs are very nourishing to the entire body and help us during pre-conception, pregnancy, birthing, and nursing.

How to get the Most Out of Your Herbs

Infusions are highly medicinal water based method of preparing herbs. It is basically the same concept as making a cup of tea except an infusion contains more herbs, which is steeped in boiled water for a period of 4-8 hours. Infusions are easiest made in a lidded quart glass canning jar or a pot so you can cover your infusion while its steeping.


To Make Your Infusion

  • Put the herbs in a quart jar or pot (refer below for proportions)

  • Bring water to a boil

  • Fill jar with boiling water and put a lid on it!

  • Let stand for 4-6 Hours

  • Strain and enjoy!


  • Cut leaves, stems, flowers: 1/4-1/2 cup per quart. Soak 4-8 Hours

  • Roots and barks: (1/4 per quart) Put herbs in pot, pour a quart of cold water over, bring to boil and simmer for 20 minutes, then let steep 6-8 hours.

Pregnancy Herbs

Nettles (Urtica Dioica)

Nettles are our green friends ready and waiting to give our entire bodies a wholesome boost. Nettles nourish and strengthen our bodies with easily assimilable nutrients. This helps to build blood, build milk, build energy and supports our kidneys, adrenals, intestines, lungs and arteries. Nettles can help prevent a hemorrhage, are antiseptic and make your hair beautiful.

Oatstraw ( Avena Sativa)

Oatstraw nourishes our nervous system, helps us down, and alleviates muscle cramps, spasms, and tension. Oats and oatstraw help us build strong and healthy bones, teeth, nails, lungs and good circulation. Oatstraw also plays a role in building our endocrine systems, giving our love life a ump-start.

Red Raspberry Leaf (Rubus Idaeous)

Red Leaf is our pregnancy ally. Like oatstraw and nettles, raspberry leaf is loaded with life and energy giving nutrients. Raspberry is particularly good for women because it is a powerful yet gentle uterine tonic. It strengthens, tones and firms the the uterus, while also relaxing it. Raspberry leaf also aids with the expulsions of the placenta and enriches our milk supply. Raspberry leaf is contraindicated when a is prone to pre-term labor or has a history of miscarriage.

Dandelion Root (Taraxacum Officinalis)

Dandelion root infusion is a nutritious drink that strengthens the liver, kidneys, bladder, and aids digestion. It will help alleviate morning sickness, regulate blood sugar levels, acts as a mild laxative and makes iron available to the body.

Burdock Root (Arctum Lappa)

Burdock grows its roots deep and retrieves the wealth of minerals that are nestled below the surface of the earth. Burdock strengthens the lymphatic system, liver, kidneys, urinary system, pancreas, skin, and uterus. It aids in digestion, is a gentle laxative and also helps to regulate blood sugar. It purifies the blood acting like as a sweep to the body. Infuse it or eat it stir fry or roasted. Burdock root is also known as "gobo" in oriental markets.

Yellowdock Root (Rumex Crispus)

Yellowdock is another friend of our liver, which works very hard in pregnancy and can use some extra love and attention. High in iron and other minerals, it prevents constipation and anemia. Yellowdock assists with digestion making nutrients in the food we eat more available to our bodies. It helps balance hormones and promotes healthy skin. Yellowdock is best mixed with other rooted herbs in an infusion due to its bitter nature or it can also be made into a iron rich syrup.

Alfafa (Medicago Sativa)

Alfafa has a deep taproot which brings up many minerals, including trace minerals, from the soil. Alfalfa is rich in chlorophyll and vitamin K, which promotes clotting. The leaves and flowers make a mild tasting, nutritious infusion that stimulates the appetite, aids in digestion, helps alleviate heartburn and increases break milk. Many midwives suggest this in a tablet form.

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Jan 01, 2023

as a mom of 3 little ones who had very different pregnancies with each, I wish I had access to this information! Next time I’ll know better, what a host of resources!

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