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Chakra Three Self Test-Fire, Power, and Will

Healthy self-esteem, spontaneity, playfulness, sense of humor, able to make decisions, and warmth in personality.

Solar Plexus represents personal power and social identity. This would control the ability to stand in relationship with others and at the same time, to stand in the light of your inner strength and enthusiasm for life.

This chakra resonates with ages 14-21 years. Reflect on your younger and now to answer the questions below.

How would you rate your general energy level?

  • Poor

  • Fair

  • Good

  • Excellent

How would you rate your metabolism/digestion?

  • Poor

  • Fair

  • Good

  • Excellent

Do you accomplish what you set out to do?

  • Never

  • Seldom

  • Often

  • Always

Do you feel confident?

  • Never

  • Seldom

  • Often

  • Always

Do you feel comfortable being different (if need be) from those around you?

  • Never

  • Seldom

  • Often

  • Always

Are you intimidated by others?

  • Always (1pt)

  • Often (2pts)

  • Seldom (3pts)

  • Never (4pts)

Are you reliable?

  • Never

  • Seldom

  • Often

  • Always

Answer each question to the best of your abilities.

Score one point when you answer NEVER or POOR

Score two points when you answer SELDOM or FAIR

Score three points when you answer OFTEN or GOOD

Score four points when you answer ALWAYS or EXCELLENT

*Number #6 is the except to the rule for counting your score. Please check the points next to your answer.

Count your points based on your response.

The are 7 questions with a max total of 28.


Scores of 22-28 indicates a very strong chakra; scores of 6-12 indicate a weak chakra. Scores between 13-21 are in the average range, but could use improvement. However, it is a distribution that is important. Compare your scores between different parts. Aside from the strongest and weakest chakras, is there a distribution pattern, such as higher scores in the lower chakras, or higher scores in the upper and middle chakras? Does this pattern coincide with your own views about yourself?

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