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"Si podemos relajar nuestros pensamientos habituales, comenzamos a obtener familiar con el fluir de nuestra propia experiencia. Podemos empezar a mirar dentro de nosotros mismos en busca de crecimiento".

-Tu guía de yoga 

Aquí hay más de mis pensamientos y filosofías generales sobre la Mente...
Al leer los artículos de la sección  será desde esta perspectiva general. 

Aprender a pensar es aprender a vivir.
HUEman, al pensar, puede traer a tu existencia a quienquiera que desee, si piensas correctamente y te conviertes en una encarnación viviente de esos pensamientos. Esto no se hace reteniendo pensamientos sino conociendo la Verdad. 

En nuestra ignorancia de la verdad, hemos abusado del poder supremo que poseemos. Y tan grande es este poder, tan completa es nuestra libertad en él. 

Somos centros pensantes, deseosos, conocedores y conscientes de la Vida. Estamos rodeados, inmersos y fluyendo a través de nosotros, un Algo creativo... llámalo como quieras. La suma total de todo nuestro pensamiento, voluntad, propósito y creencia crea una tendencia o Ley que hace que Ella reaccione ante nosotros de acuerdo con la suma total de esa creencia. 

Cuando la conciencia habla, la Ley recibe y ejecuta.  Si entonces, ciertas formas específicas de pensamiento y creencia han producido limitaciones, otras creencias las cambiarán.  Debemos aprender a creer. El enfoque debe ser directo y debe ser específico. 

Debemos inculcar en la MENTE la proposición fundamental de que el bien no tiene límites. Sólo el bien y la bondad amorosa "me seguirán todos los días de mi vida" (Salmo 23). Debemos obtener este concepto, en lugar de seguir pensando que hay un poder del mal en oposición al poder del Bien. Experimentamos el bien y el mal porque percibimos una presencia de dualidad en lugar de UNIDAD. 
Zoom Playback - Awaken + Align
Forget about hard work, it's ALL about energy - Abraham Hicks 2022

Forget about hard work, it's ALL about energy - Abraham Hicks 2022

🖥️ Our Website: 👕 Our Store: ✍️ Our Patreon: --- 📺 More on our channel: ➨ How to make invisible stuff visible and real? - ➨ This is how you ask for money without resistance. - ➨ Hear this if you feel exhausted from trying to manifest. - ➨ How to Bring New things into your reality. - ➨ You can manifest things faster by this simple process. - ➨Knowing this you can leave your sucky job now! - --- 🌎 Creator Cluster | Support us on Patreon: === © Channel " Beyond Belief" is licensee owner of the commercial rights to the animated video footage on this channel. These rights are not further transferable, and are governed by the GoAnimate, Inc. (operator of the Vyond Platform and the Vyond website located at Terms of Use located at © All Abraham-Hicks materials, recordings and Workshops are copyrighted by Esther Hicks and may not be shared or re-broadcast without permission. Public material upload coordinated with: | 1-830-755-2299 --- #Abrahamhicks #abrahamhicksnew #Estherhicks #abrahamhicksinspiration #hayhouse #lawofattraction #abrahamhickspublication #abrahamhicksvortex #abrahamhicksmoney #abrahamhickslove #abrahamhicksrelationship #abrahamhicksworkshop #abrahamhicksnonphysical #jerryhicks #askanditisgiven #abrahamhicksfuture #abrahamhicksanimated #abrahamhicksanimated #abrahamanimated #abrahamanimations
Elimina Toda La Energía Negativa, Sonidos Curativos Tibetanos, Aumenta La Fuerza Mental

Elimina Toda La Energía Negativa, Sonidos Curativos Tibetanos, Aumenta La Fuerza Mental

Elimina Toda La Energía Negativa, Sonidos Curativos Tibetanos, Aumenta La Fuerza Mental _________________________ Música para relajarse, meditar, estudiar, leer, masajes, spa o dormir. Esta música es perfecta para combatir la ansiedad, el estrés o el insomnio ya que facilita la relajación y nos ayuda a eliminar las malas vibraciones. También pueden utilizar esta música como fondo para clases de meditaciones guiadas o relajaciones para dormir. Bienvenidos a un nuevo directo de música relajante en el canal de Iluminación Meditación, Música . Pueden dejar el vídeo a poco volumen y empezar a realizar cualquier tarea como estudiar, trabajar, leer.. o simplemente relajarse o dormir profundamente. Si les gustó el directo y quieren más contenido de música relajante, no olviden darle a me gusta. Namasté 🎼 MISIÓN 🎵 Relajación y Meditación. Meditaciones guiadas. Relajaciones para dormir. Calmar y controlar la ansiedad. Conciliar el sueño y dormir mejor. Estudiar. Sesiones de yoga, reiki, spa, masajes.. Realizar tareas. Bienestar. Suscríbete para estar al día de todas nuestras publicaciones: @Copyright: Prohibido copiar o publicar de todo o parte de ese primer video/sonido (Envato) -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ¿Que puedes encontrar en nuestro canal? - En nuestro canal podrás encontrar música relajante para: dormir, meditación, yoga, zen, spa, masajes, estudiar y fortalecer... Para mejorar la relajación y la concentración nuestra música cuenta con ondas cerebrales como: ondas alfa, ondas beta, ondas delta y ondas theta. También podrás trasladarte a otras culturas, ya que contamos con música chamánica, música india, música china, música tibetana con cuencos tibetanos,.... No olvides suscribirte para estar al día de nuevas publicaciones.
Música para Limpiar el Aura y Alinear los Chakras Mientras Duermes | Musica Relajante Para Dormir

Música para Limpiar el Aura y Alinear los Chakras Mientras Duermes | Musica Relajante Para Dormir

Música para Limpiar el Aura y Alinear los Chakras Mientras Duermes | Música Relajante Para Dormir. Durante el sueño, nuestro cuerpo y mente entran en un estado de profundo descanso y regeneración. Aprovechar este tiempo para limpiar nuestro aura y alinear nuestros chakras es una forma poderosa de promover nuestro bienestar físico, emocional y espiritual. Animation made by Dream Relax Musica _____________________ 🌿If you like the show and want to listen to more relaxing music, don't forget to love it. Namaste 🎬 Video editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC 🎬 Video Editing Software : Adobe After Effects Pro CC 📷 Photo Editing Software : Photoshop CC Music for: “We have a wide selection of relaxing and soothing music to help you get the most out of your massage, meditation, yoga or other relaxation sessions. With a wide range of options, from classic to modern, there is something for everyone.” — Massage music, meditation music, healing music, healing music, relaxing music, musicals — This playlist features relaxing music for massage, meditation and relaxation. Music is played on a piano or keyboard, so listening to it will help you feel calm and relaxed. Whether you're looking for massage, meditation or relaxation music, this is the perfect playlist! — If you suffer from stress, anxiety or even insomnia, chances are that your problem can be solved with the help of such relaxing music. Years of research and scientific research have shown that listening to music is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress and anxiety. It has also been shown to increase focus and productivity. With these tunes _____________________ What can be found on our channel? 🌿 On our channel you will find relaxing music for: sleep, meditation, yoga, zen, spa, massage, study and focus... 🌿 To improve relaxation and focus, our music uses brain waves such as alpha waves, beta waves, delta waves and theta waves. Don't forget to subscribe to receive new posts. #DreamRelaxMúsica #musicaparadormir #sleepmusic #relaxingmusic Follow HitMakers Music and never miss a beat! ➤ Spotify: ➤ Deezer: ➤ Apple Music: ➤ Instagram: ➤ Facebook: 🌿 Discover our groundbreaking sleep solution, meticulously crafted to enhance your sleep quality: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ►All rights belong to their respective owners. ✔️ This video was specially licensed directly from the artists and rights holders."" ♡ 🌞 To contact and submit music:
852 Hz ➤ Release Unconscious Bad Energy | Open up to Spiritual Experience & Deep Healing | Let Go

852 Hz ➤ Release Unconscious Bad Energy | Open up to Spiritual Experience & Deep Healing | Let Go

Solfeggio 852 Hz is directly connected to the principle of Light, and Light is a higher form of bioenergy. MP3 DOWNLOAD: . This frequency can be used as means for opening up for communication with your higher self and awaken your intuition and inner strength. This frequency can be used to cleanse trapped negative energy and dissolve fear, overthinking and worries. ► Full album with 9 tracks available on iTunes ► This frequency can be used as means for opening a person up for communication with the all-embracing Spirit. It raises awareness and lets you return to spiritual order. Regarding cellular processes, 852 Hz enables the cell to transform itself into a system of higher level. ................................ FAQ - HOW TO USE SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCIES : WHAT ARE THE SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCIES: HOW TO DO GUIDED MEDITATION: HOW TO USE AFFIRMATIONS: WHAT ARE AFFIRMATIONS: WHAT IS HYPNOSIS & HOW TO USE IT: INFO ON BINAURAL BEATS: INFO ON 432HZ MUSIC: INFO ON 528HZ MUSIC: ……………………. OUR SINGLES & ALBUMS FOR SALE ITUNES ► AMAZON ► LOUDR ► YOUTUBE AUDIOS ► We are forever grateful to everyone that supports us just by tuning in to our channel, and for all you who buy our meditations, solfeggios and music! You make it POSSIBLE for us to continue our life purpose! From our hearts we Thank You! ……………………… ZENLIFERELAX / POWERTHOUGHTS MEDITATION CLUB We are very proud of our hard work and commitment to create HIGH quality Guided Meditations, Affirmation audios, Hypnosis sessions, Solfeggios and Relaxing Music. We put our Heart and Soul into every video we create with the intention to create something valuable for YOU, so you can walk the path of life feeling much more positive, conscious and empowered. Our a grand mission and lifepurpose to raise the energy vibration of our planet and to make this world a more Loving - Peaceful and Joyful place for ALL life. To help and inspire YOU and the other millions of people listening to our audios to awaken to that awesome POWER we have within us. Prepare to open up the gates and let the pure lifeforce from YOUR HIGHER SELF flow through you NOW. Enjoy your journey. For Your Freedom, Love and Joy, Alexander & Kenneth ………………………
How To Find The Frequency of Unlimited Abundance ~Abraham Hicks 2022

How To Find The Frequency of Unlimited Abundance ~Abraham Hicks 2022

Abraham Hicks Workshop Clips with tranquil background videos! ***Still want more Abraham!? Get the "Law of Attraction" (7 book series) by Esther Hicks (Author) , Jerry Hicks (Author) , Wayne W. Dyer (Foreword) from this link:*** Or get one book at a time from the 7 book series (Affiliate links): 1) The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships: 2) Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness: 3) Manifest Your Desires: 365 Ways to Make Your Dream a Reality: 4) The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide: 5) The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham: 6) The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing: 7) Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires: How The #lawofattraction REALLY Works!! More Videos from Abraham Hicks Teachings, Law of Attraction, Motivation and Affirmations being created with YOU in mind daily on this channel: 💞LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy this content! Also TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS so you know when I upload new videos!! THANK YOU! 😘 ***Closed Captioning Available by clicking CC on the video *** #AbrahamHicks #abrahamhicksnew #EstherHicks #abrahamhicksworkshop #abrahamhicksrampage #lawofattraction #abrahamhicks2022 #abrahamhicksinspiration #abrahamhickshighvibration #abrahamhicksrelationships #abrahamhicksteachings #abrahamhicksbestof #abrahamhicksintothevortex #Manifest #Abundance © All Abraham-Hicks materials, recordings and Workshops are copyrighted by Esther Hicks and may not be shared or re-broadcast without permission. Public material upload coordinated with: | 1-830-755-2299 ▲Abundance Bliss♾️ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commission on qualifying purchases by advertising and linking to
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